Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday in Roma.

On Saturday we started out by going to the Borghese Museum. You have to have reservations in order to even visit this museum, but fortunately, Catherine was all over this fact and made the reservations for me back in Seattle! Once we got there, it was a bit confusing because we were required to check our bags. We were allowed to keep our money and passports with us, as well as our cameras, but our cameras had to be placed in a plastic bag. The logic of this did not fully register with me because when we got into the first room of the museum, I just pulled out my camera and snapped a quick shot of the ceiling before Ange came over and pointed out that I'm a dumbass. Evidently, we were supposed to place our cameras in these bags to keep us from using them. Oh well, I got one shot from within the Borghese Museum and no one can take that away from me now!! It's just too bad that this one shot wasn't of one of Bernini's sculptures. I developed a whole new respect for Bernini and his ability to take a piece of marble and make it look absolutely lifelike. There were three pieces: Apollo and Daphne, Rape of Proserpina, and David that were sculpted by Bernini and were absolutely amazing. This museum also contains pieces by Caravaggio, an artist with whose work Randy and I became familiar in Malta. There was a two hour limit on our visit at the Borghese and Riley surprisingly hung in for a full hour before he was ready to leave. We walked through the Borghese Gardens and down Via Veneto, where the wealthy stay when in Rome. Since we have been in Rome, Riley has been obsessed with everything soccer and Ferrari. Our walk down this street brought us face to face with a Ferrari 360 Modena and I thought Riley was going to faint. I snapped a picture and it is now the wallpaper on Riley's computer.

We napped after lunch and our long walk back to the hotel. After our nap, we went to the Trevi Fountain and had pizza for dinner. We then went back to the Trevi to see it at dusk when the lights come on and to partake in our nightly gelato treat. All was well until we got yelled at for sitting on the side of the fountain while eating our gelato. The police officer couldn't have been more than 100 lbs, but she meant business with her whistle and her stern directions that there was no eating on the fountain and that we needed to remove ourselves promptly. Another 50 Hail Mary's for Riley!

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